Democrats Commit Political Suicide

From The Marston Chronicles

After watching the Republican Party commit political suicide over a span of twelve years, it is a bit amazing to see the Democrat Party do the same thing in just four years. The Republicans went from the Contract with America to a pale imitation of the Democrats in that twelve years. Naturally the voters said why have a pale imitation when we can have the real thing? Now the Democrats think they have a mandate to tack sharply to the left in a centrist country. The political polls unequivocally tell us otherwise and to continue on this course is to commit political suicide.

There is every sign that the Democrats have misread the political tea leaves. They seem to think that electing President Obama and a Senate majority large enough to get by the 60 vote cloture rule is a mandate from the voters. Their solid control of Congress is largely due to Republican stupidity and not due to anything the Democrats have accomplished in the last four years. Indeed, one can well ask just what accomplishments can they point to with pride? The election of President Obama had a lot to do with a determination of a lot of white voters to prove that America is not a racist country any more. To read into this election a mandate to turn this country into a pale imitation of Europe is nothing but folly.

Already the generic vote for Congress shows a remarkable trend to the Republicans in the last two months. Polls from NPR and Rasmussen who poll likely voters show the Republicans ahead. If Pelosi and Reid do not sharply curtail this leftward drift, they soon will be minority leaders again. Instead they are pushing government control of the health care system against the wishes of the American people as clearly demonstrated by the political polls. They do this at their own peril.

Hillary Clinton tried this route fifteen years ago and helped give the Republicans control of Congress. Her husband was politically astute enough to see the need to tack to the center to repair the damage. There is no sign that a Democrat leader sees the same danger now. Now matter how much a politician thinks a certain program should be adopted as a matter of political ideology, if the American public does not agree with you, then do not go there.

Who would have believed six months ago that President Obama would be less popular now than President Bush was at this point in his first term? What is even more remarkable is that no one is even commenting on this (except us). Of course, the fact that the mainstream media fawns all over the President explains this in part but where is the rest of the media on this?

Another part of this dramatic turn around is playing the race card too often. Having proved that America is no longer a racist country, the race card and harnessing white guilt has lost its steam. Proof of this is that it did not work in the Professor Gates incident. White voters looked at this issue and discovered that an arrogant Harvard professor mouthed off to a cop with predictable results. Any person of any race doing the same would have been arrested. When the a black president of the country, a black governor of Massachusetts and the black mayor of Cambridge called this racial profiling because the professor was black, it just did not sell. The overwhelming response was that the professor needed to get a life.

Comments :

5 comments to “Democrats Commit Political Suicide”
RightKlik said...

"Their solid control of Congress is largely due to Republican stupidity and not due to anything the Democrats have accomplished in the last four years"

Very good point.

Anonymous said...

One of the most arrogant and uninformed articles I've ever read. You fail to recognize that Obama might be motivated by something other than his ratings, like say, insuring 50 million poor people

Anonymous said...

Most of the racist and sexist are from the Republican Party. Head of the RNC, Micheal Steele was appointed that position after Obama won the election. Just like Sarah Palin was chosen for Vice President, while Hillary Clinton was running for President. I'm seeing a trend, looks like affirmative action.

Anonymous said...

If you oppose Health Reform in this country. You must like getting screwed my the Health Insurance companies. Public Option creates more competition and lowers sky rocketting Insurance premiums. Your Congressman/woman has the same Health Insurance plan called FEHB. (Federal Employees Health Benefits) Stop protecting insurance companies. Protect yourself and your family. Do your research on more then one source.

gemimail said...

I can read poll results and they saw that a majority of the people do not approve of Obamacare. Gee, I wonder why that is the case. Forget every other argument against it except where are we suddenly going to find enough doctors and nurses to service another umpteen million patients? We already have a shortage of them now.