The Badlands


"I never would have been President if it had not been for my experiences in North Dakota," commented Theodore Roosevelt. He felt his experiences in the Badlands, initially as a sportsman hunter, and later as a rancher "took the snob out of him" and taught him to see people as worthy based on their character and accomplishments, rather than on their economic worth, formal education or social standing. [1]
The Conservative Badlands is a group of conservative minded bloggers, everyday people, with unique perspectives and talents. In the spirit of Theodore Roosevelt and those like him we are trying to remind America what it is that makes this country great and as quoted recently, "exceptional." We all need a trip to the Badlands once in awhile to remember who we are as Conservatives and more importantly, Americans.

I hope you enjoy and learn from this exercise in the First Amendment. Besides family and loved ones, it's the greatest gift you can have. Don't take it for granted, it may not always be there.


"Happy Hunting!"

[1] Life in the West

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