FREE SPEECH: Already at War!

As posted at The Stafford Voice

For many years now, Freedom of Speech has been tried and tested. Everyday it is tested in schools, courts, and most recently the media.

Wikipedia defines free speech as: "The freedom to speak freely without censorship or limitation."

In the blog world, RealClearPolitics is used and searched through daily by many looking to express their right to free speech. So how does RCP and free speech start an impending war against each other?

Recently, two posters have been voicing their concern to RCP for either not allowing their posts to be posted or allowing their posts only to remove them without any communication to the poster. Specifically, who are these two?

Roger's letter to RCP alleges that:

There have been allegations made, mostly rumors, but enough of them to be troubling, that RCP is actually being monitored by an Obama agent, and that if anything overly critical about the Obamas is posted to RCP it will be immediately taken down.

In Mr. Gardner's fight to keep free speech alive, he noticed that a post that questions Obama's birth certificate legitimacy had been one of those removed. In response, and defense of independantvoter, he has links posted on his site and re-submitted to RCP.

There could be much made regarding Obama's legitimacy with his birth certificate, and if RCP is being monitored by an Obama agent, one would wonder.

There has been great concern regarding this very issue, and RCP has a right as a media outlet to allow these posts to be allowed. As citizens of this country, we have a right to know who we are electing and whether they are Constitutionally allowed to be elected. With Obama failing to produce proper evidence, it is of great concern to know.

Please take the time and sift through the compelling case against Barack Obama using the links provided earlier. This is vital to the protection of America as a nation and the people there of.

If you are a victim in the war against free speech, please feel free to post comments, concerns, and links. Freedom of Speech is a divine gift and should not be tested.

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