Glenn Beck: Conspiracy Theorist or Realist?

Cross posted at Politics and Critical Thinking.

Glenn Beck's Friday performance about current real world scenarios going apocalyptic has met with fierce criticism, as well as some considering his points. Either way, even if you think he is nuts, the main part of his message is worth considering.

Glenn Greenwald of, has taken issue with Beck's segment on Friday called the "War Room." Here is Beck's opening statement of this segment.

This is Beck's explanation of why he did such a potentially controversial show.

Is Beck a "nut" as Greenwald points out? I personally don't know, but this judgment isn't just reserved by the Left, there is also criticism coming from Little Green Footballs and somewhat from Hot Air.

What is interesting is in Greenwald's world when a person analyzes the bleak situations surrounding us and says "be prepared" or have some "situational awareness," automatically there is a parallel drawn between that person and a group of right wing militia types hold up in, as Allahpundit puts it, lead-lined bunkers. I see no criticism, from Greenwald, of the White House for their usage of these same tactics and strategies for getting the stimulus package pushed down our throats.

Nevertheless, will any of Beck's claims translate into civil war or New York turning into Mexico City? I don't profess to know. What I do know is this is starting to extend far past just economic fears. According to Rasmussen, only 28% of Americans feel that the country is headed in the right direction. The psychology of the Middle American public is radically different than it was 40 years ago, they are under economic siege and they know it.

The first signs of dissatisfaction and anger are starting to appear. As noted here, 6 states have issued legislation relating to reaffirming states' rights under the 10th Amendment, Rick Santelli and traders at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange are expressing virulent outrage towards the White House for their economic strategy, to a standing US Senator warning abut civil unrest and violence, and gun sales skyrocketing.

Crazy? Maybe, but definitely worth considering. Our little plastic world is quickly melting down and where it's going to take us is anyone's guess. Admittedly, Beck forms some pretty far reaching scenarios that borderline on paranoid, but, the idea of being prepared is the message I got the most out of. And I don't mean hunkering down in the mountains of Montana, learning survival techniques, and grabbing every weapon in sight. Right now, the best course of action is stay educated, think logically, but creatively, and stay focused on what is important; your family, friends, and yourself (If you believe in God, then add Him to the list, too). Don't get to caught up in apocalyptic scenarios, but ponder all the situations that are possible, and above all else have a plan. Remember, these are trying times and luck favors the prepared.

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